To amend recommendation 2.3 as shown in bold italics and where struck through
2.3 That
the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee
reminds and requests officers to produce the report for
Policy and Resources Committee notes the view on the
potential use of parking income to invest in the restoration of the
Madeira Terraces area as agreed by Policy and Resources
Committee on 9th July 2020. within the
Financial and Legal implications.
Proposed by: Cllr. Lee Wares Seconded by: Cllr. Vanessa Brown
Recommendations if carried to read: |
2.1 That the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee endorses the publication of the Parking Annual Report for 2019-20 under the provisions of the Traffic Management Act 2004.
2.2 That the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee authorises the Head of Parking to produce and publish the report, which will be made available on the Council’s website.
2.3 That the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee reminds and requests officers to produce the report for Policy and Resources Committee on the potential use of parking income to invest in the restoration of the Madeira Terraces area as agreed by Policy and Resources Committee on 9th July 2020.